EFFORT Project


European Commission

Project status

SAFOSO is part of the trans-disciplinary consortium of 20 partners from 10 European countries that will, for the next five years, develop the “Ecology from farm to fork of microbial drug resistance and transmission” (EFFORT) project.

This is an EU FP7 project, that started on December  2013 and is led by Prof.  Jaap Wagenaar, from the Utrecht University, in the Netherlands.

The focus of the project will be on understanding the eco-epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance from animal origin. The project results will be used in prediction models, with the goal of limiting human exposure to the most clinically important antibiotics.SAFOSO team members Katharina Stärk and Jorge Pinto Ferreira, will lead the project dissemination and training activities. These will include, for example, managing a stakeholder panel and organizing two policy round tables, initially to disseminate the work plan, and at the end of the project, to disseminate its results to policy makers.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement N°  613754.

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