Development of an action plan for the Moldovan dairy sector


International Finance Corporation


Assessment mission, stakeholder consultation, development of training materials, workshop, strategy and action plan development

Project status

Project background

Representatives of the Moldovan dairy industry expressed an interest in exporting dairy products to the EU. This requires that Moldova can demonstrate compliance with EU requirements for the dairy sector for those commodities that are intended to be exported to the EU.

Our work

SAFOSO was requested to support this initiative through the preparation of an action plan for the dairy sector. Initially, SAFOSO conducted an assessment mission in Moldova to evaluate the current state of the dairy sector. This evaluation included among others the regulatory framework, its implementation and enforcement, the structure of the dairy sector, the linkages between milk producers and milk processors and the guarantees for animal health and food safety that can currently be provided.

Based on the findings of this mission, an action plan was drafted and subsequently discussed during a workshop with representatives of the government, dairy processing industry and milk producers. The action plan highlighted necessary reforms of the regulatory framework and control and inspection system as well as necessary changes in the structure and organization of the dairy sector. One point of particular interest to the Moldovan stakeholders was the development of a national monitoring program for raw milk. Together with the stakeholders, we therefore explored possible design and implementation strategies for such a program.

This work resulted in a stakeholder-supported recommendation for a national raw milk monitoring program.


Our work contributed greatly to increasing awareness among milk processors, commercial milk producers and competent authorities about the requirements for exportation of dairy products to the EU. Our action plan for the dairy sector was accepted by the Moldovan Ministry of Agriculture and the need and added value of a national monitoring program for raw milk was recognized by both public and private stakeholders of the dairy sector.

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